Ghost Hunters of Maryland
    There isn't too much information out there about the Liriodendron Mansion; in regards to the Mansion being haunted.  It has been a recent place of interest for myself and others members of the ghost hunting group. The Liriodendron Mansion sits in the middle of Bel Air, along side the Ma and Pa trail, with woods that exclude it from the hustle of the busy town. Going there in the daytime, the mansion projects a warm home like feeling that takes you back to the 1800's. At night time however, the mansion casts off a totally different vibe. Approaching the mansion from the long curling driveway, you feel a heaviness in the air. A heaviness brought on that reflects a time in America built around oppression, war, and strife. Walking around the house and porch you get a sense that you aren't along. Ocassionaly, the faint sound of a footstep on the porch or the sound of something stirring in the mansion will break the silence. If you stay by the Mansion long enough at night, you'll realize that these strange occurances take place.

    I remember visiting a friend of mine who lives in Bel Air back in 2008. We went out to walk his dog through the neighbohood that evening and met a man who was out with his dog as well. We said hello to him and he stopped us and started up a conversation. We had nothing better to do so we talked with him for about an hour; going back and forth between different topics. One topic we brought up was the paranormal and what his opinion was of ghosts. This is when i first learned about the mansion. He told us about growing up in bel air back in the 70's. At this time, the family members of the mansion's founder still resided there. He told us stories of visiting his friend who lived in the mansion and spending the night there. He described strange noises, seeing things out of the corner of his eye, and random cold spots in the house. This interested me greatly hearing him speak. So I decided to investigate this site myself.

    Over the past 2 years, ive made only a few trips there with other people, seeing some strange things off and on as well as hearing strange noises. Up until recently, did i decide to do more thorough investigating. Ive gone there at different times in the night and took pictures in different areas. Nothing to prominent other than strange mist, orbs, and what looked to be a couple figures. The thing that stands out the most there is what you see with your own eyes. Of the many times I've done investigations there, I've heard footsteps on the porch and near the house, seen shadowy figures move in front of windows, and have seen rooms strangly light up and then get darker ( note: there is no one in the mansion at 12am). 

    From what i can determine, the Liriodenron Mansion is indeed haunted. I feel that these presences from the 1800's have choosen to remain for what ever reason. Maybe they did not want to let go of their home. It is for certain that the mansion has much history surrounding it, leading it to become a part of the many haunted folktales we have in our state.


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    My name is Matt. I find Ghost Hunting to be intriguing. I am an amateur ghost hunter, but have already had some interesting experiences with the paranormal throughout my life. I'm hoping that this website will bring people together to share their experiences and hopefully enlighten some non-believers. 


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